Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Comedy of errors

This day was a comedy of errors. I was running late for a lunch date with a friend from my graduate program. It is, without fail, on these mornings that I am incapable of finding something to wear. I finally pull out this outfit, feel pretty good about it and then dash out the door. Everything would have been fine had the following not occurred.
1. Rain (the cold, unpleasant kind)
2. The Windows down in my car
3. Wind (the turn-umbrella-inside-out kind)
The rain made me uncomfortable. The wet seats made me uncomfortable. And the wind made me really uncomfortable (I am not Marilyn Monroe. People do not want to see that!). I never did meet my friend for lunch because, as it turns out, she was running late, too. In what a definite "Case of the Mondays" kind of day.
This outfit, on any other day, would have been a great outfit.

Dress: Thrifted
Scarf: F21
Sweater: ON
tights: Target
Earrings: F21

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

As you can tell from my previous post, it was a "hair up", "glasses on" kind of weekend. I blame not feeling super well/laziness.
I wore this outfit Saturday on a cold and dreary day. I also made the mistake of biking that day, thinking that maybe the weather would hold out. Good thing I took these photos before my jaunt to the library. What did I get at the library, you ask? Oh you know, the usual: Communist Manifesto, On Liberty by John Stuart Mill, and season 3,4 and 6 (only one disc of each) of Sex and the City. Which items do you think were for class? And which item do you think consumed my Saturday? Not the Communist Manifesto...
Shirt: swapped
skirt: gap
Scarf: F21
Tights, socks: Target
Boots: Diba via DSW

Monday, September 26, 2011

The carpet and scarf could be friends

As I was uploading pictures of this outfit, I realized that my scarf has a striking resemblance to the rug. Weird.
This outfit was worn to do much needed work at a coffee shop. It was actually a little warm today for boots but I didn't care. I really wanted to wear them. Actually, I really wanted to wear this entire ensemble so I went ahead and wore it anyway. When it comes to blazers and jackets I often find myself pairing them with very light, airy tops. Change in body temperatures sends me into a slight, unannounced panic (ask J) so if I can avoid the panic but wearing layers that are easy to take on and off than I usually feel pretty good.
I am trying out this hair style that I found on this beautiful lady's blog. I love the illusion of a full bun. Thank you, Emily, for rocking this hair style and showing us how.

Top: Old Navy
Tank top: Ragstock
Blazer: Thrifted
Jeggins: Old Navy
Boots: Kohls
Scarf: Target

Friday, September 23, 2011

The Only One

(Dress: Thrifted, Sweater: Old Navy, Scarf: Mom, Belt, tights, shoes: Target, Earrings: F21)
I was able to get one photo of my outfit before my camera died. You can just feel the camera working so hard in the low light to get this picture taken. I felt it necessary to honor camera's effort by sharing it with you.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

For the win

There are definite hints of fall. This is what I call a transitioning outfit. It easily transitions from summer to fall.
I am pretty happy with this color combination. I wore the scarf and sweater here and I wanted to try it again. For the win.
I can't say enough about these pants. High-waisted, dark wash, big pockets and hella comfortable. They almost pass for slacks, which is great. Also, for the win.
Shirt: OldNavy
Scarf: Flea Market in Berkeley
Jeans: Thrifted
Sweater: Express
Wedges: DSW

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I wore this outfit to a culinary walk in Iowa City. The walk featured different restaurants in IC and was a fundraiser for the Johnson County Food Alliance. It was so fun to walk around with friends and sample fabulous food from different restaurants I really enjoy.
I am loving this top. It is so versatile and lightweight that it can be worn with so many things.
I am also loving how these photos turned out. Again, a little dramatic, but the color and feel of the room were really captured. I was playing with spacing and, for once, doing horizontal instead of vertical shots. I like being able to see more of the space I am in for the photos.
Top: Old Navy
Scarf: Borrowed from mom
Belt: Target
Tank Top: Ragstock
Jeans: Old Navy
Shoes: Target

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I have been playing around a bit with the look of my blog and my photos. I finally got my header photo to fit correctly. Small victories.
The house I live in has these beautiful colored walls (pink in my room excluded) and I wanted to see how the colors captured in photos. I love the blue walls in the living room and with the big windows and book case, it definitely gives the image more interest.
I edited these photos in Picnik using cross process and a bit of tweaking of the colors and exposure. They seem a bit dramatic. Or maybe it's because I'm not smiling. Either way, it was fun to try something new with the documenting of outfits. Maybe it will inspire me to document more frequently.

Shirt: swapped
Scarf: ??
Tank top: Target
Pants: Old Navy
Boots: Diba
Earrings: Handmade by me

Colored Pants | Everybody, Everywear

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Speaking for itself

I LOVED this outfit. Not only was it incredibly comfortable, but wearing it made me feel very put together. I wore this outfit to an museum exhibition opening and then to study for awhile at a coffee shop before heading to a friend's show. I think this outfit speaks for itself. I will find a way to transition it to fall.
Top: Old Navy
Dress (as skirt): Swapped
Belt: Target
Shoes: DSW
Necklace: Buffalo Exchange
Bangles: F21
Shoulder purse: H&M

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


(Target Tank Top; Swapped skirt; Borrowed scarf (thanks mom!); Target belt; UO shoes)
Sometimes I go through an intense period of obsessing over one thing and one thing only...FOOTWEAR. It all starts with a seemingly harmless desire to search for new boots for the fall. See, I have this pair of boots that I absolutely love and have been showcased several times on this blog. But those boots have a problem - they are coming apart. Literally. The top of one of the boots is unfortunately parting ways with its sole. Doesn't that sound tragic? This time last fall I was debating whether to buy a new pair or just get them taken to a boot repair shop. The debate is back. So what do I do? I search for boots with the thought that if I find a pair that I like as much, if not more, than my current pair I will retire the other ones and welcome the new pair into my life and introduce that pair to my wardrobe. And they will be friends. And things will be good.
But I can't stop at just boots. See, all the summer sandals and shoes are now on super sale and lets not forget some incredibly cute new fall trends in footwear including heeled loafers. So what do I do? I spend an embarrassing amount of time looking at shoes.
But yesterday, I had a small epiphany. Since my recent move, I only had my "summer shoes" out for use. It hit me that I actually have other shoes in boxes waiting to be worn. I unpacked a box of shoes and what did I find? Two pairs of shoes that function along similar lines as heeled loafers would. Good lord, did I feel silly. So for now, I am putting my footwear frenzy on hold.
On to the outfit: Its nothing to write home about and it wasn't the outfit I intended for today but it was hotter that I hoped it would be and this seemed a willing choice in the heat. Speaking of shoes, these little guys have been worn so much the right sole is cracked. I love them anyway.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Home is Where the Heart is


(target tank top; thrifted skirt; Buffalo exchange necklace; gifted earrings; Target Belt; DSW wedges)
Oh my goodness, what a glorious weekend it was! Having J come visit was so nice. We picnicked (twice), saw friends, made food, walked around town looking for books and then sat on a blanket and read them. The last night he was here involved a tandem bike, games with friends and Back to the Future projected on our friends' house in their back yard. I, of course, have no pictures of any of this except a few of myself and a friend on the tandem bike. Pictures or not, the weekend was truly wonderful, almost a throw back to the early days of our relationship.

I have been thinking about the title phrase these past few days. I recently had the realization that home is no longer a place but a feeling and that feeling is most strongly felt with J. This was particularly felt this weekend. Even though I am comfortable in my new place of residence, it felt much more like home with J there. I guess this is a good thing as we will, in fact, be making a home together in the not so distant future. I guess I feel thankful to have home be, truly, wherever my heart is.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Pink Lady

The pink dress with the pink wall is almost too much. Now that I live in a room that has half pink and half red walls, I'm starting to wonder if this is influencing my sartorial choices. I definitely wore red twice this week and some form of pink twice as well. Weird.
The first week back came and went. And it ended with the most wonderful gift of all...a visit from J! Long distance is hard but oh! the joy of seeing each other again!
I've worn this dress more times than I can count but never seem to have the camera around to document it. Such an easy dress to wear (I biked all around town in this attire) and on a day that was 90+ degrees, it was nice to wear something that kept me cool.

dress: Buffalo Exchange
tank top: Target
Compass necklace: Buffalo Exchange
Earrings: gift
Bangles: F21
Flats: Target

Monday, August 22, 2011


Today was the first day of the semester. At 27, I have had my fair share "first days" both as a student and a teacher. For the first time since undergrad, this was my first day as just a student. No preparing to teach classes, no staff meetings. Just me and my learning. It felt a bit luxurious.
One of the great things about not having to commute for grad school is the beauty of biking to class. No parking meters or parking garages. Just me and my bike. This also felt a bit luxurious.
On Mondays I take an introductory course to museum studies. I feel a bit sneaky taking it. Though it is considered an education course, it is only minimally related to education. Even my advisor didn't know the class existed! But after taking what feels like every education course in undergrad and still needing to take them to fulfill my grad requirements, I think I'm allowed to take an Ed course that is "a little out of the box". And since I will be moving to D.C. in less than five months, it seemed fitting to take a course in a field I may actually get involved in. The class is even in a historic building. I was definitely nerding out a bit to myself in class. This, too, feels a bit luxurious. One more luxury...checking out required textbooks from the university library. Hello free textbooks!
This was an easy outfit for the day. Light, breazy shirt with some sturdy shorts made biking around town comfortable and fun.
Owls top: Buffalo Exchange
Shorts: Forever 21
Bangles: Forever 21
Sandals: Kohls

Any luxuries for you today?

Sunday, August 21, 2011


The month of August can only be described as a series of transitions. Transitioning out of my life as a teacher and into my role as a student teacher supervisor, transitioning into new spaces (my parents' house, J's parents' house and, finally, my new home for the next 4 months), and transitioning into a new phase of J and my relationship (engagement, wedding planning and long-distance). Overall, it has been an exciting transitioning peppered with exhaustion, anxiety and, sometimes, frustration. Now that I have moved into to my new space I feel more able to look back, reflect and say, " Hey! Not bad!"
One thing the month of August has not left much time for was outfit photos. My camera was buried under piles of items in my car and I have only just recently rescued it and my tripod. I have been experimenting with outfit photos in my new room (check out the pink wall!) and maybe, just maybe, will feel brave enough to venture outside for photo-ops.
This outfit was worn to run errands and catch up with some friends. I loved this outfit. The shirt was a recent purchase on sale at Old Navy. Although it wrinkles pretty fast, the silky feel of the shirt makes it incredibly easy to wear on warm and cooler days. I'm excited about remixing this piece.
Dress (worn as skirt): Swapped
Shirt: Old Navy
Belt: Thrifted
Compass Necklace: Buffalo Exchange
Earrings: Forever 21
Bangles: Target, Forever 21
Wedges: DSW

Any new transitions in your life?

Thursday, August 4, 2011


In the last week I have done the following:

1. Finished final project for summer class
2. Finished summer class
3. Packed all my belongings into boxes and tupperware bins
4. Moved some of said boxes to place I will live in the fall
5. Stuffed rest of boxes into car headed toward parent's home
5.5. Deep cleaned entire apartment
6. Traveled home to parent's house
7. Visited reception hall for wedding
8. Panicked
9. Helped create 10 page list of wedding details
10. Bought a wedding dress

In the past week J has done the following:
1. Traveled to Des Moines to take Bar Exam
2. Spent two FULL days taking the Bar Exam
3. Traveled back home to then immediately start packing up his belongings
4. Moved some of said belongings to basement of house where I will be living in the fall
5. Stuffed remainder of things into my car headed toward my parent's house
5.5 Deep cleaned apartment
6. Dismantled bed frame and ducked taped entire thing to roof rack of my car
7. Traveled home with my to my parents house
7.5 Bought a keyboard for his computer that does not have a functioning "h" key (only to find the new keyboard does not have a functioning "p" key)
8. Visited reception hall for wedding
9. Witnessed my panic
10. Created 10 page document of wedding details
11. Called/researched places for rehearsal dinner
12. Worked on article he will will be submitting for publication to law journals
13. Spent evening with law school friend who lives near my parents who has another friend that purchased a game from China that involves being electrically shocked when you are the last to buzz in.
14. Exchanged keyboard (see 7.5)

That is where we are at right now. It has been a whirlwind filled with getting a lot of things accomplished but always something more to do.

With all the moving around, outfit photos have been a bit tough. This outfit was worn the week before the craziness. When it was 90+ degrees out, this outfit kept me cool and content.

top: Target
cami (under top): Ragstock
skirt: swapped with friend
shoes: DSW
belt: Target (?)
bangles: Forever 21

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Like a herd of turtles

I tend to have some weird sayings that have traveled with me through the years. One of the most odd sayings came from a friend that I worked with at a camp in British Columbia. She used to say "and we're off like a herd of turtles!" It used to tickle me so much every time I heard it that I have used it ever since.
I have felt a bit like I've been moving and working at turtle speed the last few weeks. I have several things coming up including the end to one of my summer seminars, moving to a new place and wedding planning. Even with all these items on my to-do list I still find myself doing anything else but pack boxes, complete my final assignment (don't worry, mom, it will get done!) and choose wedding colors. I can't blame it on the rain (remember this post?) so I guess I have no excuse.
In order to combat my turtle work pace, I have tried to "dress the part" of someone who at least looks like they are kicking ass and taking names. This is one of those outfits. And though I'm pretty sure I napped for two hours in the afternoon on the day I wore this, I keep hoping that if I look the part enough days in a row, I might start acting it.
Shirt: Old Navy
Skirt: Express
Shoes: DSW
Earrings: made by this lady
Necklace: Forever 21
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