Wednesday, February 9, 2011

six and seven exposed

I'm low on words and time so I'm going to make this quick.
outfit 6
Remember this shirt? Well it's back! I actually have had this outfit in mind since well before the 30 for 30. It came together pretty well, although the weather apparently didn't appreciate my efforts. It was in the bitter cold degrees yesterday and this outfit did not defend from the elements so well. Good thing for my gigantic jacket!

A word about sunlight, photo-taking and limited skills with a camera. These factors were all working against me when I took the next round of photos as you will see:
I wanted to get a closeup on my beautiful scarf (c/o my mother) and this is what happened:
Anyone know how to make the sun do what you it to?


  1. I think it gives you a lovely glow. I do love that scarf from your Mom. Does she make them?

  2. i love the gingham shirt layered underneath and these boots fit you perfectly! as for working with the sun, maybe adjust the ISO on your camera so that it's lower?

    thanks for joining the Color Brigade! :)

    cute and little
    come join the color brigade!

  3. I love all the different ways you wear your scarves throughout the blog! Yeah, too much sun is no good and there's not much you can do but wait till it's later. Early morning or afternoon sunlight is the best. :)

    Books and Looks


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