Monday, March 28, 2011

whoops!'s been awhile. I probably have only person still checking to see if I'm alive. I do not mean to avoid the ol' blog but things have just been, well, busy. And limited in the internet department.

I'm making up for it with THREE outfits. You're welcome.

Outfit 1

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This skirt has been with me for a long time. It was one of the original "teacher skirts". Recently, I have opted for pencil skirts, but the print on the skirt was calling to me.

Outfit 2

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I wore this outfit on a day I was sure was going to be warm and spring like. Epic misunderstanding with the weather. It was cold and miserable the day I wore this. A student in one of my classes, who always comments on my array of boots, asked why I wasn't wearing boots. I told him fatal error in hoping/planning for warm weather.

Outfit 3

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AH! My new Modcloth dress! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this dress. It is sleeveless but it can be easily sleeved with any sort of button down or knit top. The color is a rich navy and I can't get enough of the collar and pockets. I hope to wear and remix this dress many more times in the future. What do you think of it?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Beware the Ides of March...otherwise known as my birthday!

Yep, it's true! Today is my 27th birthday. HOORAY! Birthdays having always been a funny thing for me. I have never taken them very seriously or felt the need to throw myself a big party. In fact, I am currently at my brother's house in Baltimore. He's at work and I have been grading papers, reading for grad classes and even doing a little cleaning for him (spring break, baby!). I have always felt like birthdays are just a reminder to be thankful. Thankful you had another year of life. Thankful you might get another. And thankful to be able to get a chance to look back and see where you were last year, five years ago, ten years ago, etc. Turning 27 has, so far, been a blessing. 26 was a pretty awesome year, better than 25, MUCH better 24 (I consider 24 the "lost" year) Yay for my birthday!

Since J and I were not going to be together on my birthday, we celebrated last Friday with dinner and theatre tickets. We saw Sweeny Todd and I have to say, it was AMAZING. Such a fun show. We were singing the songs the whole way home. We also, in our best effort to avoid, were 25 minutes late to our dinner reservation. Luckily, they had a theatre menu and promised to get us out on time. We were pushing our luck on that one. But we made it out,
and got vouchers for dessert after the show, which ended up being a real comedy of errors including me becoming extremely animated about my desert choice and J being surprised by the waitress enough to gesture in a way that released his menu into the air and onto the floor. You can dress us up but our still a bunch of clowns on the inside.

On to the outfit...

I will
not be showing you what I'm actually wearing right now. Sweathshirt and sweatpants will not be making it on this blog - ever. This outfit was from well before the 30 for 30 but I never got to post it and I just loved it so much.
Aren't these earrings beautiful? I got them at a flea market in Berkeley last summer. I really like the colors and have started wearing them more. Yellow, red, blue is one of my favorite color palettes.
I also love this necklace. I have a thing for trees. I wouldn't consider myself a "treehugger", although some beg to differ, but I find trees very symbolic in my life. The idea of being rooted in things life love, faith, wisdom and that those roots are what strengthen and guide the growth of that tree. Whoa, getting all deep on the blog. Hey, it's my birthday and I'll wax poetically on my blog if I want to!

Any symbolic objects in your life?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Teacher Threads - TWO outfits

Good God, it's Thursday. So, I am strapped for time once again but wanted to get these two outfits up. So here you go...
I wore this outfit on Monday to teach. I find this sweater a little tricky. Sometimes it looks great while other times it feel frumpy. There is no trick to the tank top and skirt, though. I'm surprised that I am actually wearing stripes. I rarely wear them but having been seeing them everywhere and thought I'd give them a go.

As you can probably guess, this outfit was all about comfort. I had recently purchased this shirt and was looking forward to wearing, however, I'm thrilled with how it is worn here. Most likely, I will pair it with a skirt in the future.

J wants me to continue to sign my posts with a question but I can't think of any.

Do you have any questions for me?

Monday, March 7, 2011

0utfit 30...this means I'm done, right?

It better mean I'm done because I already purchased a few new items. My last outfit of this challenge was thrown together from the pile of "somewhat clean" 30 x 30 items and, therefore, nothing to write home about. Yep, I wore the sweater again. Come to think of it, this outfit is pretty much identical to #26 with a different scarf and tank top underneath the t-shirt.
Hooray for being done!

Friday, March 4, 2011

29, I think it's a sign...

In case you've been keeping track, I have worn this sweater and this scarf (not counted in my 30 x 30 but it might as well have been) quite a few times. You may also have noticed that I have not worn this skirt much, if at all, during the challenge. I have discovered a few things about this skirt that, though I wear it often in my non-limited wardrobe days, it is, in fact, difficult to wear with the items in my 30 x 30. You live and you learn.



To my fellow 30 x 30 remixers, anyone surprised by the items that didn't get much wear?

28, mate!

The end of 30 x 30 is almost here. I can smell it. It smells like the shoes I haven't worn in over a month (and since I haven't worn them, they smell gooood!) It is the thing I think I realized the most about myself. I really like variety in footwear. I also realized that I probably could have done this for another week (there were plenty of combinations I didn't get to) but I am happy to be almost done and looking forward to diving into my closet of threads.




I don't even want to hope that spring is coming. Spring in Iowa is, well, non-existent. It teases you with signs of seasonal change and then when you are not looking...BOOM! Snow! Sleet! Torrential down pours of snowy, sleety, rain. It's for the birds in my opinion.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

27 [insert clever title that relates to this number here]

Ah Wednesday...hump day. The middle of the week has returned and soon the week will be over.


I really liked this outfit. I wore it this weekend when I went out to dinner with my parents and J. The four of us met in Galena, IL, home of Ulysses S. Grant and pretty much the most well preserved, adorable town this side of the Appalachian Mountains. The weekend was relaxing and filled with much fun and laughter.


Alas, I did not get pictures of this gem on Saturday so I went ahead and wore it again today. This might be one of my favorites of the 30 x 30. Super comfortable and I feel very chic. Interestingly enough, I have received so many compliments on my little blacks boots, which is funny because I purchased them awhile ago, and have worn them many times during this challenge.

Does that ever happen to you? Do you ever wear something a million times and then, all of sudden, people notice it as if it's the first time?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

26 and counting...Holy sun pancakes! many things to do. One of those things to do did not involve taking pictures this morning when my hair looked descent. Oh well. Gotta push through. I am seriously looking forward to this being over. I'm not good with commitment. I'm getting better though. Having an awesome boyfriend (who is currently sporting a SAWEET mohawk) is a good start to combatting commitment issues. And entering one of these challenges is another...


Speaking of J, man he's great. Not what I was going to say but it just slipped out! No, actually, I was going to say that the other day J and I were commenting that we were pretty certain the sun was, in fact, dead. But then the next morning the sun popped it's little head out above the corn fields (more like desolate wasteland right now) of Iowa to say hello. So, in my excitement, I sent him a text that said "Holy Sun, Bananas!" To which he later reminded me that I sent him an odd text that resembled, "Holy Sun, Pancakes!". What? We are kind of weird? Um, yes absolutely. Well the sun returned today and we both exclaimed this afternoon "Holy Sun, Banana Pancakes!" I hope I get to continue to exclaim non-sequiturs about the sun all week!

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